Mod 2: Sinatra Final Project — Album Land!

Andy Adams
Oct 25, 2020

This was a great module. I would love to have had more time during the last 8 weeks to learn more and feel even stronger with the MVC framework. Still, very excited to move to rails.

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This project required using an Active Record database, at least two MVC models, and incorporate user authentication.

My project simply has user profiles, protected with encrypted passwords using the bcrypt gem, along with albums that belong to the user who creates them. Albums and a User’s profile are both able to be edited and destroyed by authenticated User.

An Album simply has a Name and a Genre. A user simply has a username.

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Never before this project had I been able to visualize how a website with multiple pages would work on the backend. How would you build the functionality? Where does it go? Is it all HTML? Of course not! It’s using an MVC. A Model, View, Controller framework.

By far the most interesting aspect of the MVC, to me, is the relationship between the views and the controller, where you can so easily use GET and POST methods for routes. Its simplicity is astounding.

